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Minecraft Server
Forum: News
Last Post: TULOA
Jul-29-2022, 10:25 AM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 2,055
Games available to be str...
Forum: Stream Requests
Last Post: TULOA
Sep-10-2020, 04:28 PM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 3,354
Twitch.tv Streaming comin...
Forum: News
Last Post: TULOA
Sep-10-2020, 04:20 PM
» Replies: 0
» Views: 3,531

  Minecraft Server
Posted by: TULOA - Jul-29-2022, 10:25 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

For any and all that have or get access to my minecraft server.

If you have issues getting in because of a ban or other issues not related to my server and I see your account as in good standing I will help restore access to this server.

I will not allow Microsoft or any other external company moderate my games or servers or players without my express consent.

I am prepared to cut ties or circumvent their efforts to do so.

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  Games available to be streamed.
Posted by: TULOA - Sep-10-2020, 04:28 PM - Forum: Stream Requests - No Replies

At present the options I have to stream for all is:

  • Switch Mario Maker 2
  • Switch Animal Crossing
  • Switch Pokemon Sword
  • Switch Star Wars Racer
  • Switch Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
  • PC Space Engineers
  • PC Minecraft
  • PC Command & Conquer Remastered
  • PC Sonic CD

Upcoming Games that I will be getting:
  • None at this time

Past streamed games:
  • Switch Mario 3D collection [Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Galaxy]

I do have the ability to play emulated games so if we have requests depending on the game I might do it. This includes rom hacks as I have done some Super Mario 64 rom hacks.

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  Twitch.tv Streaming coming soon.
Posted by: TULOA - Sep-10-2020, 04:20 PM - Forum: News - No Replies

I am going to be starting up streaming again here soon.

Most prep work is done.

First stream will likely be saturday around 1pm CST.

[Image: header.JPG]

Content is undecided at this time.
If you want to make a request post them in the Requests section of the Streaming board.

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